Betekenis van:
rising prices

rising prices
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • waardevermindering van geld; waardevermindering van geld
  • a general and progressive increase in prices





  1. Prices are rising.
  2. Commodity prices were rising.
  3. Prices go on rising.
  4. Prices have been rising steadily.
  5. Prices have been rising since last year.
  6. In September, 1929, stock prices stopped rising.
  7. Prices have been gradually rising in recent years.
  8. Far from falling, the prices of commodities went on rising.
  9. Experts say coffee prices are rising mainly because people are willing to pay more.
  10. Social unrest may come about as a result of the endless rising of prices.
  11. Rise in the costs of raw materials, rising energy prices
  12. The market investigation identified concerns of rising prices in these markets due to the merger.
  13. Agricultural land prices in Poland have been rising significantly and continuously since 2007.
  14. Despite the rising prices TV2's advertising income and capacity utilisation decreased to the level of 1999.
  15. In the 1997 valuation, the VOA and NERA assumed that inland leased line prices would be rising with inflation.